The Zetalif Laser or LED induced fluorescence detectors are ultra sensitive solutions for all separation techniques such as Liquid Chromatography (capillary LC, microLC, nanoLC, UPLC) and Capillary Electrophoresis. A large range of LED and Lasers wavelengths is available: 275, 365, 450, 480, 530 and 640 nm.


Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are monochromatic light sources exhibiting very long life time (>20000 hours) compared to lasers. This makes Zetalif LED detectors highly sensitive compared to detectors based on xenon lamps.


Wavelength - Application

Zetalif LED detectors offer a wide range of LEDs covering various applications fields:


Zetalif Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) detectors are ultra sensitive solutions for all separation techniques such as Liquid Chromatography (capillary LC, microLC, nanoLC, UPLC) and Capillary Electrophoresis. The modular design of this detector provides maximum versatility and enables an unrivalled level of sensitivity for fluorescence measurement thanks to a broad range of lasers offering an excitation wavelength from 266nm to 785nm. Analysts can adapt the wavelength of the laser depending on their application, simply by changing the laser and the corresponding filter blocks.

Depending on the exact application, Zetalif Laser detectors achieve the highest sensitivity.


Wavelength - Application

The Zetalif Laser detector is a sensitive solution for HPLC, fast-LC and CE systems and offers a large range of laser wavelengths:

For other wavelengths, please contact us.

Interface with CE, LC, MS

Interface with CE systems
  • With Agilent Technologies 7100 CE (www.agilent.com)
  • With other CE: PrinCE Next, WynSep Wyn-CE

For other CE, please contact us

Interface with LC systems
  • Compatible with all LC systems (micro, fast-LC)
  • Optimal sensitivity is achieved at flow rates <0.5 mL/min
Interface with MS systems
  • Online CE-LIF-MS
  • Online LC-LIF-MS
  • Detection cell as close as possible to MS system.

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