Discover our technology

Dedicated to cfDNA Analysis, BIABooster analytical platform is based on the use of μLAS patented technology (micro Laboratory for Analysis and Separation of DNA). If compared to classical cfDNA analytical protocols, made of sequential steps, one of the main advantages of BIABooster is its simultaneous concentration-purification process. In addition, thanks to the use of high-performance induced fluorescence detectors, BIABooster is also a high sensitivity method.

A one step concentration and purification technology for cfDNA analysis

Principle of DNA fragments size separation

According to Poiseuille law, when a viscous fluid flows through a capillary, its speed at the walls is zero, increasing steadily to reach its maximum at the centre.

The additional application of an electric field in the direction opposite to the flow, creates on each flow-carried particle a transverse force towards walls.

Besides, the bigger is a particle, the stronger is the transverse force. Thus, particles of different sizes migrate at different heights and therefore move at different speeds. This enables to separate DNA fragments depending on their size.

Simultaneous concentration-purification followed by collection

After the first capillary is located a second one of smaller diameter. At this level, each size of DNA fragment is going stop when and where electrophoretic speed compensates for the hydrodynamic speed. This is how DNA is concentrated depending on its size.

Besides, while DNA fragments are stopped, in situ purification occurs since the buffer still flows, carrying away impurities. Each pool of DNA size fragments can then be collected.

Ultra-sensitive fluorescence detectors make BIABooster also ultra-sensitive

Adelis Zetalif LED and Laser induced fluorescence detectors are ultra-sensitive solutions based on a unique fluorescence excitation-collection design. This technology gives to our products an unrivalled sensitivity: 10-12 M for detectors and 10-15 M for BIABooster (sensitivity increased because of previous concentration). These detectors cover a wide range of wavelengths, in particular 480 nm and 275 nm, and can be used for DNA, RNA, and a large variety of other biomolecules.

Clinical studies

In oncology, the use of cfDNA as a biomarker allows to differentiate cancer patients from healthy people and to follow the efficiency of a drug therapy. With leading academic and health organisations, our clinical research programmes aim to develop cfDNA size and concentration profiling for treatment results prediction and cancer detection tests.

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